Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Mother in the making . . .

Just when does one transform into a mother? Is it at the time of conception? The first time you hear your baby’s heart beat? When you hold your small miracle for the first time?

I had my first maternal feeling after having my pregnancy test. It was such an exciting, stimulating and yet a strange feeling. I am still on my fifth month of my pregnancy, and I feel so totally amazed at myself. My body is changing and I am growing a baby!

Am I glowing like all those books say? And what about my belly? Is it big enough, small enough, round enough?

I can now feel my baby moving, and am so anxious to share that feeling with the others in my life, but it looks like it will take additional time for people to feel the baby externally.

No matter how many years I have invested in my career, and I would be professionally derailed by motherhood, I am eagerly waiting and thinking when I can hold my son or daughter, see the colour of his or her eyes, feel his or her hair, hear his or her heart beat through the tiny chest, get my baby’s sweet smell …

I am feeling rather sappy at this point in time, and hence these ramblings. I guess I’m just feeling extremely good about becoming a Mom, awaiting the joy I’ll get come December.